Did Nazi That One Coming… (with special guests Jessica and Anja)

How far should a person’s ideals reach? What do we owe Nazis? Listen in and see if you can hear the exact moment Sara and Jessica change their minds about Anya’s terrible decisions.

Rolling 1s in the Dating Scene Pt 2

Five minutes, five months, whatever. Mowgli and Sara are both doing way better in the dating scene (fuck you, you know who you are; you all know who you are) so we thought a stroll down misery lane would be fun.

The Last Time We’ll Let Ourselves Get So Excited Over New Star Wars

The Force Awakens was a fun homage to A New Hope that did a fine job kicking off this new Star Wars trilogy. It introduced new characters, serviced fans with old characters, and set up new mysteries within the series.

The Last Jedi made no attempt to solve these mysteries (who’s Snoke? What’s Rey’s lineage?) and barely addressed them at all.

Mowgli and Sara went into this movie with high hopes but were left confused, angry, and with more questions than answers. Still going to see Episode IX when it comes out, obviously.

Fucking Disney.

Rolling 1s in the Dating Scene Pt 1

Dating, and online dating especially, can be pretty great – fucking people, fucking with people, meeting weirdos, being the weirdo – but it can also be super frustrating. In this long anticipated cast, Mowgli and Sara vent their frustrations with the opposite sex.

Part one focuses on Sara’s critical failures such as meeting a boy she actually liked and getting yelled at online by someone she doesn’t remember fucking.

Somehow everyone is just the worst.

There Isn’t a Father’s Day in Space

It’s been a big month in cinema for dads so this weekend was celebrated by getting drunk in movie theaters.

Alien Covenant surprised no one by being super boring and not making sense. Fuck you, Ridley. That’s not even a real name.

While Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was a roller coaster of emotion. Laughter, fear, Baby Groot. Sara cried.

With Great Boredom Comes Great Responsibility

What would you do with super powers?

Mowgli and Sara ponder this question and ultimately decide powers aren’t good for much other than theft.

They never even address the idea of using their powers for good.

Fantastic Communism


Sara and Mowgli begin discussing the new movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but are quickly derailed. Like more quickly than usual.

Sara wants to live in some kind of Libertarian-Socialist Wonderland and Mowgli is understandably skeptical.